Thai Girls Exploited??
There was recently a VERY lengthy discussion on another Asian Porn Blog regarding this very model. Her name is Kip and she has done a few amateur porn scenes for Creampie Thais and Asian Suck Dolls. The author claimed that Kip ( who is a Thai bargirl working in Bangkok ) and others like her were being exploited on sites like Creampie Thais. Is there any validity to his claim? Do any of you buy this?
If a girl like Kip takes time to look through ads and makes the conscious decision to make the call, then makes the decision to go to the interview, then makes the decision to take off her clothes, is she really the one being exploited?? Exploitation is fucking a geriatric old geezer in her gogo bar for $20-30, which is what Kip was doing before her Creampie Thais days. Her Creampie Thais scene most likely netted her 20x what she would get in her bar, for the same amount of work.
And why is it that everyone and their mother screams exploitation when it comes to these Thai and Filipina bargirls, but doesn’t say a word when it comes to American girls?? So the Thai girls are being exploited for fucking on film, but the white girls aren’t?? I think whoever says theyre being exploited is just jealous they cant fuck them themselves lol. Anyways enough of the rant, enjoy sexy Bargirl Kip flashing her goods below!